Gary Liu, a graduate student at the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, received a prestigious Roberts Fellowship from the Eisenhower Institute, which includes a $10,000 award to support research and educational costs.
Each year, the Eisenhower Institute recognizes a handful of promising doctoral students who are preparing for their dissertations in fields concerning public service and policy. The fellowship aims to carry out former President Dwight Eisenhower’s vision of informed, publicly aware leaders in a civically engaged society.
At WashU, Liu is pursuing a juris scientiae doctoris (JSD). Liu’s family experiences with illness and health care in Taiwan inspired his dedication to health-care policy.
Liu has worked in the university’s Bioethics Research Center, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute, and the Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law. His research focuses on health-care policy, digital privacy and patients’ rights, culminating in his dissertation, titled “Exploring Ethical Frontiers in AI-Driven Precision Medicine: The Power Dynamics of Big Data Privacy and Governance—Bipolar Landscape with Taiwan Insights.”
“This dissertation endeavors to elevate health law, public policy and medical ethics, encouraging a worldwide discourse and effectuating change in medical big data governance,” Liu wrote in his application.