Olin Library exhibits second original Declaration of Independence

A Rogers Broadside of the Declaration of Independence is now on view at Olin Library.

A second broadside of the Declaration of Independence is now on view at Olin Library at Washington University in St. Louis.

Known as the Rogers Broadside, this original Declaration of Independence was printed by John Rogers in the shop of Ezekiel Russell in Salem, Mass., between July 14-16, 1776.

The broadside will be on view alongside the university’s Southwick Broadside through December. Broadsides — essentially posters of the Declaration — were printed and posted in town squares all across the colonies before the handwritten Declaration was signed on Aug. 2, 1776.

The Rogers Broadside is on loan to University Libraries for 10 years. The owners wish to remain anonymous. 

To learn more about the Rogers Broadside, visit the University Libraries website.