“La Cortadora de Café” (2021), a painting by Quinn Antonio Briceño, a candidate for a master’s degree in fine arts in visual art at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, will be featured in the AXA Art Prize 2021 Exhibition.
On view Nov. 1-17 at the New York Academy of Art, the exhibition showcases works by 40 finalists for the 2021 AXA Art Prize. Finalists were selected by jury from more than 600 applicants. A virtual exhibition is available online. Prize recipients will be announced in November.
In the exhibition catalog, Briceño, who grew up in Nicaragua and St. Louis, explains that “La Cortadora de Café” depicts a Nicaraguan woman harvesting coffee beans. “The figure is juxtaposed with collaged found materials that connect directly to my life in the United States,” he continued. “Latin American tile patterns, which are ubiquitous in homes throughout Latin America, surround and camouflage the woman in a new space designed specifically for her, separating her from the viewer and isolating her within the working environment of a coffee picker.”
Jamie Adams, associate professor of art, served as a regional juror for the 2021 competition. Peter Saul, a 1956 alumnus, is a member of the prize jury. For more information about the AXA Art prize, visit axaartprize.com. For more information about Briceño’s work, visit quinnbriceno.com.