Mann named editor-in-chief of new cardiology journal


The American College of Cardiology has named Douglas L. Mann, MD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the first editor-in-chief of its newest journal, JACC: Basic Translational Research. A monthly, open-access publication, the new journal will launch its inaugural issue in December.

The new journal will focus on work that speeds the translation of basic research in the field of cardiovascular medicine into new treatments for patients with cardiovascular disease, one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide.

In selecting Mann to lead the publication, Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) cited Mann’s expertise and drive to promote translational research. Mann’s research has revealed the important role of the immune system in heart failure. His work understanding heart failure on a cellular and molecular level has suggested ways the failing heart might recover.

Mann is the Tobias and Hortense Lewin Professor of Medicine, a professor of cell biology and physiology, and director of the Division of Cardiology at the School of Medicine. He also serves as cardiologist-in-chief at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

“Translational research is one of the cornerstones of cardiology and essential to advancing the care we provide to heart-disease patients,” Mann said. “ I’ve devoted a large portion of my career to basic translational research, and I’m honored to take the helm of a new journal devoted entirely to disseminating this important research.”