The St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) staff garage entrance and exit along Duncan Avenue is scheduled to reopen June 22, and the garage entrance and exit along Newstead Avenue is scheduled to close the same day.
The Newstead entrance will be reconfigured to provide additional access to the parking garages on Duncan and is expected to remain closed for six weeks. Newstead Avenue, however, will remain open.
Duncan west of the SLCH garage entrance will remain closed for about two more weeks as construction to upgrade a Metropolitan Sewer District storm sewer line continues. As a result, the SLCH staff garage’s exit and entrance on Duncan will be accessible, but drivers will not be able to travel west past the garage.
Public safety officers will continue to monitor traffic flow. The garage gates will be open for easier entry and exit during peak hours.
The new staff garage on the former Duncan-Taylor Avenue surface lot
will open in August, along with improvements to intersections around the campus. The garage and intersection work are designed to improve the flow of traffic, especially during peak times.
Updates will be shared as the garage opening approaches.
Questions can be directed to or 314-362-1241.