Tamara King, JD, has been named associate dean of students and director of student conduct at Washington University in St. Louis. The new title reflects both the important role King plays in the university community as well as her expanding responsibilities, said Justin X. Carroll, associate vice chancellor for students and dean of students.
“During her 15 years at Washington University, Tamara has communicated to students our most important values and community expectations in a way that is both proactive and positive,” Carroll said. “She has worked hard to help create a safe and supportive environment that supports their learning and personal development.”
King advises students, faculty and staff on issues ranging from student behavior to academic integrity. She enforces the student judicial code and tracks university compliance with a number of federal regulations such as Title IX and the Clery Act. Recently, King joined with other campus leaders to improve the university’s response to allegations of sexual assault and misconduct. King also helped launched the “Don’t Gamble with Your Future” campaign, which acclimates students to their rights and responsibilities and introduces them to helpful resources.
Academic integrity has been a top priority for King. She leads regular meetings of the university’s academic integrity deans. She also recently helped produce a video and an online course that explore the university’s academic integrity policy and explain why intellectual honesty matters.
King is past president of the Association of Student Conduct Administrators. This year, she received the association’s individual award of excellence in recognition of significant contributions to the field of student conduct administration.
King also is an adjunct faculty member of the School of Law. Prior to her arrival in 1999, King worked in private practice and as an assistant district attorney in Pennsylvania.
Students consider her tough but fair, Carroll said.
“Being a good citizen of our university community is an expectation for all students, but sometimes young people fall short of our expectations,” Carroll said. “Tamara helps them learn from their shortcomings and become successful contributors to our campus.”