Several librarians at Washington University are offering a series of free workshops this spring to help students, faculty and staff tap the practical powers of Twitter. Sessions are being held in Olin Library’s Arc (Level A) at 3 p.m. on various Thursdays throughout the spring semester.
Upcoming sessions are:
Twitter 201: Professional Development and the Job Search Thursday, March 21. Lauren Todd, subject librarian for engineering, will suggest ways to develop professionally and foster meaningful connections using Twitter. The platform can be a valuable networking tool in a variety of professions — to start conversations, to get help with a tricky professional problem, to follow conference activities from afar and to search for new opportunities. Todd also will talk about developing a strong, professional web presence.
Twitter 201: Photography & Images, Thursday, March 28. Librarian Jaleh Fazelian will join Todd for this presentation, helping attendees learn how to take beautifully composed pictures on a smartphone, why Instagram isn’t the only option, and where to connect with photographers on Twitter.
Twitter 201: What the @RT#? Twitter & the #Hashtag Movement, Thursday, April 18. Co-presenters Makiba Foster and Fazelian can attest that understanding Twitter is an education unto itself, including what may appear to novices as random uses of symbols and letters (e.g., #, RT, @, MT). This final Twitter 201 session will discuss the various uses of the hashtag and its importance in Twitter, where it opens up a more dynamic and diverse Twitter experience to users.
For more information and to register, visit Follow University Libraries on Twitter at