Faculty and graduate students from St. Louis-area universities with an interest in labor, households, health care, law and social welfare are invited to take part in a series of Monday brown-bag luncheon seminars to be held biweekly on the Danforth Campus at Washington University in St. Louis beginning Monday, Feb. 4, through Monday, April 15.
In its 17th year, the Work, Families and Public Policy series features one-hour presentations on research interests of faculty from local and national universities. The series is designed to promote interdisciplinary research.
Presentations will be from noon-1 p.m. in Seigle Hall, Room 348.
The series begins Monday, Feb. 4, with a lecture by Anne Winkler, PhD, professor of economics and public policy administration at University of Missouri-St. Louis. Her topic: “The Relationship Between the Housing and Labor Market Crises and Doubling-Up: An MSA-Level Analysis, 2005-2010.”
The remaining presentations are:
Feb. 18. Limor Golan, PhD, associate professor of economics in Arts & Sciences at WUSTL, on “Estimating the Returns to Parental Time Investment in Children Using a Life-Cycle Dynastic Model.”
March 4. Duncan Thomas, PhD, the Robert F. Durden Professor of Economics and professor of global health at Duke University, on “The Family After a Natural Disaster.”
March 18. Kristin Collins, JD, the Peter Paul Development Professor and professor of law at Boston University School of Law, on “Entitling Marriage.”
April 1. Paula England, PhD, professor of sociology at New York University, on “The Long-term Trend in Premarital First Births: Is it the Economy or Sex?”
April 15. Adina Sterling, PhD, assistant professor of strategy at WUSTL’s Olin Business School, on “Shared Education Affiliations and Workplace Relationships.”
Robert A. Pollak, PhD, the Hernreich Distinguished Professor of Economics in Arts & Sciences and in the Olin Business School, has been the lead organizer of the series for the past 16 years.
Co-organizer is Michael Sherraden, PhD, the Benjamin E. Youngdahl Professor of Social Development at the Brown School at WUSTL.
The series is sponsored by: the Wells Fargo Advisory Center for Finance and Accounting Research in the Olin Business School; the Brown School and the Center for Social Development; the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Work and Social Capital in the School of Law; the Department of Economics in Arts & Sciences; the College of Arts & Sciences; and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
The classroom is provided courtesy of the Department of Economics.
For more information, contact Pollak at (314) 935-4918 or pollak@wustl.edu; Sherraden at (314) 935-6691 or at sherrad@wustl.edu; or visit olin.wustl.edu/Events/Pages/default.aspx and search for the seminar by date.