OUTLaw, a student group at Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, will be hosting its annual Midwest LGBT Law Conference Friday to Sunday, March 2-4. This year’s theme is “Family Matters.”
Nancy Polikoff, JD, professor of law at American University and 2011 recipient of the national LGBT Bar Association’s highest honor, will serve as conference keynote speaker.
The goal of the conference is to sort through the legal labyrinth in which LGBT families are formed, altered and dissolved.
The conference is free to attend and open to the public; this year, more than half a dozen other regional law schools will be represented. A schedule of events and more information can be found at washuoutlaw.com.
OUTLaw is an educational, political, and social alliance of law students interested in working with the university and the surrounding community towards fostering and maintaining an environment that is supportive, positive, and safe for individuals of sexual and gender diversity.
In striving for a greater understanding of sexuality and gender issues at the law school and within the affiliated communities, OUTLaw aims at addressing the legal issues associated with sexual and gender diversity and provides resources and support for social activism.