Interested in getting a glimpse into your health for 2012? Visit the Health Happening health and wellness fair from 7:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, in the Eric P. Newman Education Center for a variety of free health screenings and informational booths.
Washington University physicians will be available to help participants understand their screening reports and answer general questions about health. Physicians will be on hand to discuss dermatology, weight loss surgery, gynecology, sports medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, diabetes and physical therapy with participants one on one.
School of Medicine faculty and staff may get screenings for blood pressure, blood glucose, lung function and body mass index. Students from the Program in Physical Therapy will be on hand to show participants proper walking techniques and to provide foot and shoe characteristics assessments. The first 500 participants will be able to get a free cholesterol screening. Fasting is not required for the cholesterol or glucose screening.
More than 40 booths will be on hand to provide information on diabetes, smoking cessation, fitness centers, the Environmental Health and Safety office and the Research Participant Registry/Volunteer for Health.
Representatives from the university’s health-care and dental insurance plans and from People Resources, which operates the Employee Assistance Program, also will be available with information about their plans.
The event is sponsored by the university’s Wellness Council.