Translating and in translation

Arts & Sciences doctoral candidates Sayed Kashua and Olivia Lott have won literary honors for a pair of recent books.

The Grove Atlantic edition of Kashua’s novel “Track Changes,” originally published in Hebrew in 2017, was named a Notable Translation of 2020 by World Literature Today. Kashua, a doctoral candidate in comparative literature on the international writers’ track, is the author of three previous novels and a former columnist for Haaretz, as well as the creator of the Israeli sitcom “Arab Labor.”

Lott’s translation of Lucía Estrada’s “Katabasis” ­— the first full collection of poetry by a Colombian woman to be translated into English — was longlisted for the 2020 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Lott, a doctoral candidate in Spanish as well as a graduate student fellow in residence in the Center for the Humanities in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, previously co-translated Soleida Ríos’ “The Dirty Text” (2018) and curates the monthly feature Poesía en acción on the Action Books blog.

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