Washington University community invited to join Home Plate

Students gathered with their Home Plate families at a 2018 reception. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)

Members of the Washington University in St. Louis community are invited to host  Washington University students in their homes for casual dinner and conversation through the Home Plate program.

Founded in 2002 by Risa Zwerling Wrighton, wife of Chancellor Emeritus Mark S. Wrighton, Home Plate helps new students feel at home in St. Louis and offers faculty, staff and alumni an opportunity to engage with talented students from across the globe. Home Plate families typically welcome groups of three to four students to their homes two to three times per academic year.

Once student assignments are made, families contact students directly to schedule a gathering. Families are asked to transport students to and from campus. To become a host family, email Wrighton at zwerling@wustl.edu. Include your address, phone number and some information about your family, professions and interests.

Students who would like to join Home Plate also should email Wrighton or visit Home Plate. Include your major (if you have one), interests and hometown in the email. Students are welcome to sign up with a friend or two.