“Too Far North,” a poem written by Aaron Coleman, a Washington University in St. Louis PhD candidate in comparative literature in Arts & Sciences, was published in the July 9 issue of The New York Times Magazine. Accomplished poet Terrance Hayes selected and introduced Coleman’s poem.
Coleman also recently received a Philip K. Jansen Memorial Fellowship from the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA). Read more from the ALTA. As part of the $1,000 award, Coleman will attend the annual ALTA conference, where his work will be featured alongside that of this year’s five other fellows.
Coleman, a graduate of the university’s MFA Writing Program and part of the Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship Program, is also a Fulbright Scholar and a Cave Canem Fellow. Coleman is the author of two collections of poetry, “St. Trigger,” which won the 2015 Button Poetry Prize, and “Threat Come Close,” which will be published in 2018.
Read Coleman’s poem “Too Far North” here.