Schaal, Roediger present at AAAS annual meeting

Barbara Schaal

Barbara A. Schaal, dean of the faculty of Arts & Sciences and president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), gave the president’s address at AAAS’ 2017 annual meeting, held Feb. 16-20 in Boston.

In her address, titled “Science and Technology for the Public Good,” she discussed the value of science and told the audience of scientists, students, journalists and science communicators that “it is our obligation as scientists and citizens to speak up for science … be a force for science.”

With more than 8,000 attendees, the AAAS annual meeting is the largest general scientific meeting in the world. This year’s theme was “Serving Society Through Science Policy.”

Henry "Roddy" Roediger photo

Henry L. “Roddy” Roediger III, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences, delivered the John P. McGovern Award Lecture in the Behavioral Sciences during the meeting.

Roediger’s address, titled “Making It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning,” was based on 15 years of research on applying cognitive psychology to education, which was summarized in his 2014 book, “Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning.” He discussed several strategies for improving learning and retention, both in schools and in other realms of training and learning.