Kashua’s novel adapted into award-winning film

A still from “Let It Be Morning,” based on the novel by WashU’s Sayed Kashua. (Photo courtesy of Cohen Media Group)

Sayed Kashua is a doctoral student on the international writers track in comparative literature in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. A published novelist, screenwriter, and journalist, he is regarded as one of Israel’s most prominent Palestinian voices. The film “Let It Be Morning,” adapted from one of Kashua’s novels, will officially open in St. Louis Feb. 17 at Landmark’s Plaza Frontenac Cinema.

But first, on Feb. 12, the internationally acclaimed film, directed by Eran Kolirin, will premiere at the Hi-Pointe Theatre.

“As a Palestinian writer, it’s risky to work with an Israeli director,” Kashua said. “Some people say, ‘The occupier will never understand.’ But I appreciate Kolirin’s interpretation; the film is very sensitive and well-done.”

The film, which won Best Picture at the Israeli Academy Awards in 2021, follows a journalist who returns to his Palestinian village after working in Jerusalem for many years. One morning, he tries to commute to his job, only to discover that the Israeli military has blockaded all exits from the village. 

Read more in The Ampersand.