Scientists and engineers are constantly on the hunt for novel materials and structures that combine valuable properties in new ways.
What if they could harness the power of data science to discover fundamentally novel materials — for everything from carbon dioxide separation to better fuel cells to earthquake-proof buildings — at a far more accelerated pace?

Washington University in St. Louis’ Roman Garnett, associate professor, and Alvitta Ottley, assistant professor, both of computer science and engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering, are taking on this challenge as part of the Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4), led by the Colorado School of Mines with $15 million in funding from the National Science Foundation.

This interdisciplinary, multi-institutional project aims to create new theoretically grounded and experimentally validated approaches and tools to design and discover dynamical materials and structures while solving long-standing scientific challenges in the dynamical response of materials.
Read more on the engineering website.