Shanti A. Parikh co-edited a collection, “@Ferguson: Still Here in the Afterlives of Black Death, Defiance and Joy,” in social and cultural anthropology’s flagship journal, American Ethnologist, with Jong Bum Kwon of Webster University. Parikh is associate professor of anthropology and of African and African American studies, both in Arts & Sciences, at Washington University in St. Louis.
The 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson triggered demonstrations and helped to bring the Black Lives Matter movement to global prominence. Five years later, Washington University hosted an international anthropology conference, during which St. Louis–based academics, activists and practitioners came together in a three-part plenary event to explore how structural forms of violence continue to shape Black lives and how they are working creatively to expose and transform these conditions.
The newly published collection of essays from local artists, creatives and academicians is a result of that conference.