Webb named ACHA president


Kim Webb, director of the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center at Washington University in St. Louis, has been elected president of the American College Health Association, which represents about 1,100 institutions and the collective health and wellness needs of 20 million college students. 

“From lobbying for legislation that protects the health of college students to working with physicians, therapists, nutritionists and other professionals to develop and share promising practices, the ACHA leads the way in advocacy, education and research,” said Webb, who will serve this year as president-elect before assuming the role of president. “Our goal is to elevate all of the issues that matter to students, whether it’s obesity or access to health care or mental health.”

Webb joined Washington University in 2010 and has greatly expanded both sexual violence prevention programs and crisis services during her tenure. Her office provides confidential services to students who have experienced sexual assault, leads the Green Dot bystander intervention program, supports student groups and stages “The Date” and other productions aimed at raising student awareness.