“On Cloud Thurtene: Dreaming of a Brighter Future” is the theme of the 2015 Thurtene Carvinal, a three-day celebration of food, rides and student performances.
Members of Thurtene, a junior honorary at Washington University in St. Louis, also announced in a video Feb. 13 this year’s community partner: St. Louis-based nonprofit UrbanFUTURE, which works with students from within St. Louis Public Schools to foster academic achievement, character growth and career preparation through connection of the home, school and community.
“We are incredibly humbled to be working with an organization that grants such amazing opportunities to underserved youth in the St. Louis community and cannot wait to share the good work they do in the community at the carnival this year,” said Vanessa Salazar, Thurtene public relations co-chair. “Our dedication to community engagement does not stop at amusement and entertainment. We have witnessed events take place in St. Louis this year that highlight the importance of philanthropic organizations like UrbanFUTURE that do good in our community.”
Thurtene, the oldest and largest student-run carnival in America, will take place April 17-19 in front of Brookings Hall on the Danforth Campus.