Thanksgiving meals for students

WUSTL Dining Services is providing a traditional Thanksgiving meal for students who will be staying in St. Louis for the holiday.

The buffet with turkey and all the trimmings will be offered from 11:45 a.m.-2 p.m. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, at College Hall in the South 40 House.

The student price is $11.95 and also includes one box of to-go food for later. As part of the buffet, diners can enjoy football on the big screen and board games.

For more information, visit

Also on Thanksgiving Day, the Olin Business School is serving its annual meal for Olin students, faculty, staff, alumni and their guests.

Started as a potluck served by faculty and staff in Simon Hall, the feast moved to the Knight Executive Education & Conference Center 10 years ago to accommodate the increasing crowd.

Doors open at 11:45 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 24, for the feast, which will be held from 12-2 p.m. To RSVP, visit