CGI U prep: March 30 service project for individuals, friends or groups

The first 175 volunteers to receive a ticket to the CGI U opening plenary

As part of the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) meeting at Washington University April 5-7, approximately 800 conference delegates will perform services projects at Gateway STEM High School.

To prepare for the CGI U service project, 175 WUSTL volunteers are needed from noon-5 p.m. March 30 to prime and tape walls, organize supplies and complete other tasks at Gateway High School. Bus transportation and a bagel brunch will be provided. The first 175 volunteers will receive a ticket to the CGI U opening plenary session.

This is an ideal project for a student group, for a few friends who want to volunteer together or for an interested individual.

To sign up, visit or email a list of your confirmed group members (names and email addresses) to Stephanie Kurtzman in the Community Service Office. Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.