Washington University in St. Louis will host a university-wide Public Service Fair at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, in College Hall on the South 40.
The event features more than 30 nonprofit organizations offering a variety of community service and internship opportunities.
At 4 p.m., the public service fair begins, followed by a St. Louis-themed reception. At 5:15 p.m., agencies will lead students in roundtable discussions about critical social issues, from K-12 education to community health. Among the discussion topics are “Growing Individuals, Building Community,” “Alleviating Hunger and Homelessness” and “Building Livable Communities.”
“We are excited to enhance the traditional volunteer fair format by adding the roundtable discussions,” says Robin Hattori, assistant director of the Gephardt Institute for Public Service. “Attendees will be able to learn more about social issues facing our region from the people working on the frontlines.”
The Service Fair is sponsored by the Gephardt Institute, the Office of Residential Life and the Congress of the South 40 and is open to students, faculty, staff and the local community.
Attendees will be eligible for a raffle drawing featuring gift certificates for the campus bookstore and other vendors.
For more information and a list of nonprofits participating in the fair, visit gephardtinstitute.wustl.edu or email gephardtinstitute@wustl.edu.