Volunteers sought for Memory & Aging Project

The Memory & Aging Project (MAP) is an ongoing research study at Washington University. Researchers are looking at the memory and thinking changes that occur as people age. Both healthy individuals and those with memory loss may take part in tests that measure memory and thinking.

Persons who wish to volunteer for the MAP must:

  • Be 55 years of age or older
  • Be in good health
  • Have only mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or have no memory and thinking problems
  • Have a study partner (family member or close friend) who could participate in yearly interviews
  • Be willing and eligible to participate in all study procedures, including a clinical interview, paper and pencil tests of cognition, a blood draw, imaging tests such as MRI and PET scans, and cerebrospinal fluid collection.

Participation is voluntary and study-related tests are free. Researchers seek long-term involvement from participants so they can track changes in memory or thinking over time. Researchers hope to improve early detection and diagnosis of the disease and to develop and evaluate therapies that one day could offer effective treatment.

Call 314-286-2683 or visit the  Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center website for more information.