Entrepreneurs and innovators honored

The Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Washington University in St. Louis recently hosted its spring awards ceremony.

At the April 18 event, students, faculty and others were recognized for excellence in innovation, entrepreneurship and mentorship. The center also announced the winners of the Global Impact Award and the Skandalaris Venture Competition. In total, WashU startups received more than $125,000 in funding during the event.

Donors Suren G Dutia (left) and Jas K. Grewal (center) with Global Impact Award winners
Donors Suren G. Dutia (left) and Jas K. Grewal (center) join the 2024 Global Impact Award winners (from left) Chiara Munzi, Izzy Gorton, Stephen Wu and Mohamed Zayed, MD, PhD.

The first Global Impact Award went to AirSeal Cardiovascular, makers of an innovative patented biomarker for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Company founders Stephen Wu and Mohamed Zayed, MD, PhD, both 2023 Executive MBA graduates, received $25,000 to advance their company. The second Global Impact Award went to ChiChi, which makes chickpea-based to-go breakfast meals that are healthy, delicious and easy. The company, founded by Chiara Munzi, a 2023 Arts & Sciences alumna, and Izzy Gorton, a current Olin Business School student, received $50,000 in funding.

Additionally, seven teams received a combined $50,000 in funding through the Skandalaris Venture Competition. These awards provide resources for promising startups at various stages to explore and refine their concepts further or support the launch of startups poised for growth.

Learn more about all of the winners and about upcoming opportunities on the Skandalaris Center website.