Ryan Ogliore, an associate professor of physics, and Kun Wang, an associate professor of earth, environmental and planetary sciences, both in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, have been chosen as part of the Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team (MDT). NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have selected members of this team to help realize the science potential of samples returned from Mars.
Analyzing Martian samples in terrestrial laboratories will advance our understanding of Mars in multiple ways that are impossible using in-situ missions or Martian meteorites.

At Washington University, Ogliore and Wang frequently collaborate to analyze extraterrestrial materials at different size scales with complementary techniques. As members of the MDT team, Ogliore and Wang will help NASA and ESA plan for and manage access to the Mars samples for collective scientific benefits and discoveries.
Read more on the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences website.