Graduate students win national sculpture honors

Left: Noah Greene-Lowe, “How to Work Hard and Live in a Nice Quiet Neighborhood,” 2020. Found wood, guitar rosette. Right: Allena Marie Brazier, “Passionate Desires,” 2020. Steel armature, synthetic hair and beads. (Photos courtesy of the artists)

Three graduate students from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis have won national honors from the International Sculpture Center, publishers of Sculpture magazine.

Noah Greene-Lowe and Allena Marie Brazier, both master’s of fine arts candidates in visual art, are among recipients of the center’s 2021 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award. In addition, MFA candidate Martin Lammert received an honorable mention.

Green-Lowe was sponsored for the award by Lisa Bulawsky, chair of the MFA in Visual Art. Brazier was sponsored by Thad Duhigg at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, where she earned her bachelor’s degree last spring. Lammert’s sponsor was the Sam Fox School’s Jack Risley, professor of art.

The International Sculpture Center’s Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award was founded in 1994 to recognize young sculptors and encourage their continued commitment to the field of sculpture. This year, a total of 11 award recipients and six honorable mentions were selected from a pool of 198 nominees representing 100 schools. Award recipients will be featured in Sculpture magazine and will participate in a group exhibition. For more information, visit

Martin Lammert, “Fountain,” 2021. Mixed media, including Gatorade, oranges, clay, mini-fridge, cart, electric components. (Photo courtesy of the artist)