Employee crisis response fund accepting applications

Last month, Washington University in St. Louis created the WashU Crisis Response Fund to help students and employees facing financial hardship during the COVID-19 crisis.

The fund already has supported many students who were in need of  emergency financial support. A second round of funding opened for students April 22, and applications are being accepted through Wednesday, April 29.

Employees and basic service contractors may apply starting Monday, April 27, for support to address essential needs as well as expenses incurred as a direct result of the pandemic. Applications are being accepted through May 4. Email questions to employeecovidfund@wustl.edu.

Additional resources are available to support employee well-being during the COVID-19 crisis. Donations to the fund still are being accepted for both students and employees.

“The challenges we are facing have created new and unexpected burdens on our students and employees,” said Pamella A. Henson, executive vice chancellor for University Advancement, which helped facilitate the fund’s creation as an avenue of philanthropic support. “We have never been more grateful for the generosity of our alumni and friends, who are stepping forward to help as we navigate these difficult times.”