McCune to edit new book series

Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr., associate professor of women, gender and sexuality studies and of African and African-American studies, both in Arts & Sciences, has been named co-editor of the inaugural “New Sexual Worlds” book series.


Launched by the University of California Press, the series — which McCune will edit with Marlon M. Bailey, associate professor of women and gender studies at Arizona State University — will acquire projects focused on racialized gender and sexuality studies, with attention to new sexual practices and formations within diverse, understudied geographies.

“This is a great opportunity to help shape an already dynamic field and support new, cutting-edge scholarship in race and sexuality studies,” McCune said. He added that series is especially committed to scholarship that explores genders and sexualities in everyday life, within diverse regions of the United States and throughout the world.

Kickoff receptions will take place at the American Studies Association meeting in Honolulu; the National Communication Association meeting in Baltimore; and the National Women’s Studies Association meeting in San Francisco.