Lerone Martin, assistant professor of religion and politics in the Danforth Center on Religion and Politics at Washington University in St. Louis, has been named a 2017 Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholar by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.

The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award is given to 10 leading junior scholars across the nation working in the humanities and social sciences. Scholars are selected according to their strong research portfolio along with a proven record of working to eradicate disparities in their fields, deep campus service and mentoring commitments.
Martin’s past work includes research on 20th-century American religion and politics. He is currently studying religion and national security in American history.
The award includes a $17,500 stipend for research support and aims to help free the time of junior faculty for research and efforts to build more inclusive communities in their fields and on their campuses. Learn more about the program and this year’s scholars.