The Washington University Libraries’ Documenting Ferguson Digital Archive is seeking faculty, staff and contract workers who are living in Ferguson or surrounding communities to share their stories about Ferguson before and after the Aug. 9, 2014, shooting death of Michael Brown Jr. at the hands of a police officer.
This oral history project aims to capture the perspectives of the Washington University community members who have been impacted the most by the protest and unrest in Ferguson.
The audio-only recorded interviews will be conducted in March and April and will last an hour. Interviewees will be asked to sign a release form and will be given questions ahead of time.
Completed interviews will be made available online via the Documenting Ferguson website and will become part of the Washington University Archives Oral History Collection. Read more about the project here.
For more information, contact Makiba Foster at or 314-935-6093; Nadia Ghasedi at or 314-935-6154; or Sonya Rooney at or 314-935-9730.