Matt Erlin, PhD, chair of the Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, is a co-investigator on a multi-university digital humanities initiative called NovelTM.
The Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council awarded the project a $1,845,987 multi-institutional, seven-year grant. The project is titled “Text Mining the Novel: Establishing the Foundations of a New Discipline.” The principal investigator on the project is Andrew Piper, of McGill University.
Erlin was awarded a $120,000 grant from that total. Funds from the grant will be used primarily to support graduate and undergraduate research. Erlin will work with members of the Humanities Digital Workshop at Washington University, as well as with colleagues from other universities.
The project aims to produce the first large-scale quantitative history of the novel. For more details, visit the NovelTM page.