The nip in the air is a reminder not only of the coming autumn but of flu season. And for any Washington University employee who works with or near patients, it means it’s time to get a flu shot.
For the second year in a row, the seasonal flu vaccine is required for all students and employees on the School of Medicine and Danforth campuses who engage in patient care or work in buildings where patient care is provided or clinical research occurs.
Medical Campus
Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 23, the School of Medicine will offer the influenza vaccine to all of its employees, free of charge. Click on this link for a schedule of when and where the school will make flu shots available. Appointments are not required. Employees should present their School of Medicine badges and wear loose-fitting shirts so the upper arm can be reached easily.
School of Medicine students can receive free flu shots on a walk-in basis beginning Monday, Sept. 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Shots will be given Mondays through Fridays at the school’s Student Health Service, Room 3420 of the East Building, 4525 Scott Ave.
While the influenza vaccine is encouraged for all employees, it is considered a condition of employment for all personnel who work with or near patients. Those required to get the vaccine will receive notification by email.
Employees who obtain the vaccine through other providers (including Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, The Rehabilitation Institute, pharmacies, primary-care physicians, etc.) will be required to provide documentation of vaccination, which should be sent to
Personnel covered by the policy have until Dec. 15 to get their shots. Medical and religious exemptions may be granted with appropriate documentation. Additional information regarding flu vaccinations at the medical school can be found via this link.
Danforth Campus
For employees on the Danforth and other campuses who aren’t required to get a flu shot but would like one, free flu shots will be available beginning Monday, Sept. 29. Appointments are required to be guaranteed a shot. Click on this link to find out where and when such flu shots can be obtained.
Benefits- eligible employees enrolled in a Washington University health insurance plan also can receive free flu shots at a Walgreens Take Care Clinic or CVS Minute Clinic. Employees should present their WUSTL health insurance cards to receive the vaccine.
Danforth students seeking information on flu shots can find details on the Habif Health & Wellness Center website.
For more information on influenza and the vaccine, follow this link for details from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.