Washington University in St. Louis event planners and administrative staff stopped by the Chase Park Plaza hotel in the Central West End on July 8 to check out the newly designated Washington University Conference Room and to learn more about the hotel’s staff and catering service.
Located on the lower level of the Park Plaza, the room’s flexibility allows for a variety of configurations. It is available for free to any WUSTL faculty or staff member. Additionally, the Chase offers a 10 percent discount on catering services.
Thanks to the assistance of University Archives staff from both the Danforth and Medical campuses, photos of distinguished WUSTL leaders and alumni line the walls.

By the Numbers
Room dimensions: 40-feet-by-15-feet
Arrangements (approximate):
Theater seating: 60
Classroom seating: 28
Conference seating: 30
Rounds of 10: 40
Reception (includes lobby): 75