The Gephardt Institute for Public Service at Washington University invites student groups, centers, departments and schools, as well as individual members of the university community, to join an open discussion about plans for the 2012 election year.
The meeting will be held from 4-5:30 p.m. Monday, March 5, in the Multipurpose Room, lower level of
Mallinckrodt Center on the Danforth Campus.
This forum will help the institute coordinate activities through fall 2012 including voter registration, voter education, speakers and panel discussions on issues, election watch parties and other programming related to politics. Anyone interested in hosting such activities or in brainstorming ideas is welcome to join the discussion.
This meeting will lead to a smaller working committee that will help develop and support a broad range of non-partisan services and programs that increase interest and participation in civic life.
RSVP to Program Director Robin Hattori at or 314-935-8628 by March 1 with name and affiliation. Those unable to attend the initial meeting can contact Hattori to be added to the correspondence list.