Who Knew WashU?

Question: Patricia (Mitchell) Bridges was behind a little-known prologue to WashU’s moon story. Her work helped to show the Apollo astronauts every peak and valley of the lunar surface. What did Bridges study at WashU? 

Answer: B) Just six years after earning a WashU fine arts degree, Bridges became a central figure in creating a technique that filled in ridges and other features on maps of the moon. Read more from WashU Magazine.

Congrats to this week’s winner, Kara Cummins, who works in Facilities Planning & Management and will receive an “I Knew WashU” luggage tag!

Campus and community news

Zacks installed as Edgar James Swift Professor

Jeffrey M. Zacks, an expert in memory and neuroscience, was installed as the Edgar James Swift Professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis during a Feb. 4 ceremony.

2024: The year in video

WashU videographers captured the discoveries and perspectives of campus newsmakers. Highlights include a trip to Ecuador where one WashU professor is working to halt hidden hunger, one instructor’s reflections on his Hollywood career and a deep dive into the Mississippi River system.

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