Skinker Heights Neighbors Reception
Chancellor Andrew D. Martin (center) and Dean Feng Sheng Hu (right) chat with another guest during the Skinker Heights Neighbors Reception June 13 at the Harbison House. (Photo: Jerry Naunheim Jr./Washington University)
people visit at the Skinker Heights Neighbors Reception
Dorian Traube, dean of the Brown School, along with Alyson Garland and Julie Dorfman, MD, entertains a baby during the Skinker Heights Neighbors Reception June 13 at the Harbison House. (Photo: Jerry Naunheim Jr./Washington University)
Olympic medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee and kids on Francis Olympic Field
Olympic track-and-field gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee walks the track June 21 at WashU’s Francis Olympic Field, site of the 1904 Olympics, with St. Louis residents, including children from the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Boys and Girls Club, in celebration of World Olympic and Paralympic Day. (Photo: Bill Greenblatt/UPI)
Olympic medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee and kids pose at the Olympic rings
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, a six-time Olympic medalist, including three gold medals, poses at the Olympic rings sculpture on the Danforth Campus June 21 with children from various Boys and Girls Clubs to celebrate World Olympic and Paralympic Day, weeks ahead of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. (Photo: Bill Greenblatt/UPI)
Carolyn Baum (center) is honored at a symposium
Community members attend a research symposium June 14 in the Neuroscience Research Building on the Medical Campus honoring the career contributions in occupational therapy of Carolyn Baum. Baum (center) retired from Washington University June 3 after 48 years of service. Lisa Connor (left) and Dean David Perlmutter, MD, joined Baum at the event. (Photo: Lisa Jenkins/LJ Photography)
Keynote speaker Emma Farley (UCSD)
Keynote speaker Emma Farley, of the University of California, San Diego, speaks at the 2024 National Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) Faculty Workshop, held June 18-21 in Rebstock Hall. GEP is a nationwide collaboration of more than 200 institutions that integrate active learning into the undergraduate curriculum through Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) centered in bioinformatics and genomics. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)
Attendees of the 2024 National Genomics Education Partnership Faculty Workshop
Attendees of the 2024 National Genomics Education Partnership Faculty Workshop, held June 18-21, discuss bioinformatics and genomics during breakout sessions in Rebstock Hall. One group (foreground) discussed the future of micropublications. (Photo: Sid Hastings/Washington University)
Juneteenth Celebration
WashU community members gather in the Frick Forum for the Juneteenth commemoration and celebration. WashU faculty and staff members made presentations about their work and its connection to the celebration. (Photo: Mena Darré/Washington University)
Juneteenth Celebration
Dineo Khabele, MD, the Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor and chair of obstetrics and gynecology at WashU Medicine, serves as a keynote speaker at the WashU Juneteenth commemoration and celebration June 18 in Knight Hall’s Frick Forum. (Photo: Mena Darré/Washington University)
Juneteenth Celebration
Black business owners share their products during the vendor fair portion of the WashU Juneteenth commemoration and celebration, held June 18. (Photo: Mena Darré/Washington University)

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