The first of four university-wide blood drives this academic year will be Tuesday, Sept. 10, at eight locations throughout Washington University in St. Louis.
All students, staff and faculty members are encouraged to participate in this effort to replenish the region’s blood supply.
Why donate blood? Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, according to the American Red Cross. One donation can save the lives of three people, and there is no substitute for human blood.
The annual drives are quite effective. During the 2012-13 academic year, 1,491 productive units of blood were donated. 8,145 units of blood were donated through the Washington University blood drives over the last five years.
To donate blood, sign up online here. At the site, you also can view a complete schedule with times and locations or sign up to be a volunteer at the drive.
The blood drive is sponsored by the Community Service Office in collaboration with the American Red Cross and Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center.
This year’s other drives are scheduled for Nov. 6, Jan. 28 and April 2.