Martin receives grant for African American religions project


Lerone A. Martin, associate professor of religion and politics at the university’s John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics — along with Judith Weisenfeld at Princeton University and Anthea D. Butler at the University of Pennsylvania — has received a $1 million grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to advance public understanding of the history, politics and cultures of African American religions.

“The Crossroads Project,” is a four-year, multi-institution collaborative that will provide funding for projects by scholars, teachers, religious and civic leaders, community organizations and artists. A major part of the project will be development of a digital platform showcasing the project fellows’ work, allowing students, teachers and the public to engage with materials interpreting Black religious histories, communities and cultures, and their place in American history and life.

Other initiatives of “The Crossroads Project” include public events; a research working group that brings together scholars from across the country; a mentoring program for graduate students and early-career scholars; and a postdoctoral fellowship that will bring an early-career scholar to Princeton. The project will be housed in Princeton’s Center for the Study of Religion.

Read more here.