Nominations are due Oct. 19 for the fifth annual James M. Holobaugh Honors.
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Student Involvement and Leadership will host the Holobaugh Honors Ceremony at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, in Holmes Lounge, Ridgley Hall.
The Holobaugh Honors recognize individuals who: live and lead with integrity; engage diverse communities on issues relevant to LGBT equality; perform direct advocacy and service to the St. Louis metro community; and incorporate education and dialogue as part of their practice.
Any member of the Washington University or St. Louis communities, past or current, is eligible to receive the award. This includes undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, retirees, friends of the university and St. Louis community members. Self-nominations also are permitted.
Holobaugh was a WUSTL student and cadet in the campus Reserve Officer Training Corps program. In 1989, after coming out as gay to his squad commander, Holobaugh was removed from the program and ordered to repay the U.S. Army for his scholarship.
Eventually succumbing to pressure from campus groups and LGBT rights organizations across the country — in addition to an impassioned response from WUSTL administrators — the Army reversed its decision. Holobaugh went on to travel across the country, engaging diverse groups in dialogue on issues of service and citizenship.
Nomination forms are online:
RSVP for the event below:
For more information, contact Saida Bonifield at