Durkee book named Best Edited Volume
“States, Firms, and Their Legal Fictions,” written by MJ Durkee, the William Gardiner Hammond Professor of Law, was named Best Edited Volume by the American Branch of the International Law Association.
2024 presidential election experts
Washington University in St. Louis faculty experts are available to discuss a variety of topics related to the election, politics and national and local issues.
Public interest law series speakers lined up
The 26th annual Public Interest Law & Policy Speakers Series kicks off Sept. 6 with a lecture on reproductive justice by Kim Mutcherson of Rutgers University.
Sachs appointed to Illinois governor’s advisory council
Rachel Sachs, a WashU professor of law, has been appointed to the Illinois Advisory Council on Financing and Access to Sickle Cell Disease Treatment and Other High-Cost Drugs and Treatments.
In Ferguson aftermath, despite progress regression continues
While some progress has been made in the 10 years since Michael Brown’s death Aug. 9, 2014, in many ways we have regressed as a nation, said the School of Law’s Kimberly Norwood, an expert on social justice and civil rights issues.
Liu recieves prestigious Roberts Fellowship
Gary Liu, a graduate student at the WashU School of Law, received a prestigious Roberts Fellowship from the Eisenhower Institute, which includes a $10,000 award to support research and educational costs.
SCOTUS Chevron decision not as dramatic as some had feared
The demise of Chevron is unlikely to result in the dramatic curtailment of agency power that some had desired and some had feared, said Ronald Levin, the the William R. Orthwein Distinguished Professor of Law.
Ten Commandments display probably not legal
Louisiana’s recent legislation requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom is likely unconstitutional under the current framework of the Establishment Clause, said an expert on law and religion at Washington University in St. Louis.
Tokarz honored by AALS
Karen Tokarz, the Charles Nagel Professor of Public Interest Law & Policy, received the William Pincus Award from the Association of American Law Schools during the organization’s conference on clinical legal education May 3.
School of Law honors six alumni
The Washington University School of Law in St. Louis recognized six alumni who have achieved success in their respective fields during its Distinguished Alumni Awards dinner, held April 8 at Anheuser-Busch Hall.
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