Creating a federal government
Politicians often claim to know what kind of government the founders would have wanted. Presidential historian Peter Kastor was struck by the relative lack of scholarship around an obvious follow-up question: What kind of government did the founders actually create?
Van Engen appointed John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics director
Abram Van Engen, chair of the Department of English in Arts & Sciences, has been named the next director of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics. Van Engen has published widely on religion and literature.
Are female politicians better advocates for their districts?
New research from the Department of Political Science in Arts & Sciences found that women in the U.S. House of Representatives are more likely to emphasize their home districts.
Politics and fairy tales
How do origin stories influence political campaigns? Arts & Sciences professors illuminate ‘The Stories That Win.’
Engineering students take on social choice
Students in the social choice systems class at Washington University are learning about design challenges in social choice systems like redistricting.
Can Trump bypass Senate approval of controversial Cabinet nominees?
Andrea Katz, an expert on presidential power at WashU Law, says Trump’s threats to bypass Senate approval of controversial Cabinet nominees could turn the process on its head.
Talk to address privacy, civil rights in health care
Melanie Fontes Rainer, director of the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, will discuss privacy and civil rights issues in health care at a Nov. 13 event hosted by the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy.
Center helps secure Medicaid coverage for doulas in Missouri
Missouri’s Medicaid program now covers doula services statewide, an effort led by CAHSPER and community health leaders. The measure addresses the state’s alarming maternal mortality rates.
How to depolarize social media
At a time when political polarization is becoming an increasing problem on social media, WashU data scientist Jean Springsteen is working on a way to bring down the temperature and still get buy-in from social media companies.
Supporting student mental health during the election
Kirk Dougher, associate vice chancellor for student support and wellness at WashU, explains what colleges are doing to help their students during this fraught election season and what steps students can take to better cope.
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