Protein linked to intellectual disability has complex role

Protein linked to intellectual disability has complex role

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine have identified a previously unknown function for the fragile X protein, the loss of which is the leading inherited cause of intellectual disability. The researchers showed that the protein modulates how neurons in the brain’s memory center process information, a central part of learning and memory.
When more complex is simpler

When more complex is simpler

A new modeling framework proposed by physicist Mikhail Tikhonov in Arts & Sciences demonstrates how a more complex microbial ecosystem can be more coarse-grainable, making it potentially easier for scientists to understand, than one with only a few microbes interacting.
Smoking-cessation program that targets cancer patients effective

Smoking-cessation program that targets cancer patients effective

Researchers at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine have found a way to help more patients who want to stop smoking. The successful strategy involves using electronic medical records to help identify smokers when they visit their oncologists and offering help with quitting during such visits.
Conflict-related sexual violence needs urgent action

Conflict-related sexual violence needs urgent action

Russia’s war in Ukraine has displaced millions of people, most of them women and children. This mounting crisis suggests that conflict-related sexual violence, which has been reported in Ukraine, requires urgent action, say Washington University in St. Louis experts on refugees and displaced populations.
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