NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launches

NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launches

Europa Clipper will conduct a detailed survey of Jupiter’s moon Europa to determine whether there are places below the moon’s surface that could support life. WashU’s William B. McKinnon, a member of the Europa Clipper science team, has studied Europa for more than 40 years.
James Baldwin Review marks 10th anniversary

James Baldwin Review marks 10th anniversary

The James Baldwin Review, co-founded by WashU’s Justin A. Joyce and Dwight A. McBride, celebrates its 10th anniversary, as well as Baldwin’s centenary. A feature essay by WashU’s William Maxwell explores an unexpected connection between Baldwin and Susan Sontag.
Flowe featured in documentary and History Channel series

Flowe featured in documentary and History Channel series

Douglas Flowe, an associate professor of history in Arts & Sciences, is featured in “San Juan Hill: Manhattan’s Lost Neighborhood,” which will premiere Oct. 9 at the New York Film Festival. Flowe also was recently featured in episodes of the History Channel series “Prison Chronicles.”
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