Schaal named to agricultural research foundation

Schaal named to agricultural research foundation

Barbara A. Schaal, dean of the faculty of Arts & Sciences and the Mary-Dell Chilton Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biology at Washington University, has joined the board of directors of the Supporters of Agricultural Research Foundation.
Rover retrospective

Rover retrospective

RIP Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity. But the geosciences data they collected will live on at Washington University, under the care of a team of archivists in Arts & Sciences. The data includes details about both rovers’ every move as well as many images that helped this space mission capture the public’s imagination.
Student Life’s Grace Bruton shares favorite sports photos

Student Life’s Grace Bruton shares favorite sports photos

Washington University in St. Louis senior Grace Bruton will work her final games as photo editor of Student Life this weekend at the 19th annual McWilliams Classic. During her seven semesters here, she has captured more than 90 games, meets and matches, four NCAA championship teams, the retirement of beloved football coach Larry Kindbom and the arrival of powerhouse Anthony J. Azama, the John M. Schael Director of Athletics.
Washington People: Jennifer Gartley

Washington People: Jennifer Gartley

Jennifer Gartley, a professional flutist who has performed with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, serves as programming and public outreach director for the Department of Music in Arts & Sciences. It’s just one of the notes she plays at Washington University.
Tuning into the world of song

Tuning into the world of song

Is music universal? To answer that question, Christopher Lucas, assistant professor of political science, worked with colleagues from Princeton and Harvard to analyze music from 315 societies from across the planet. Their findings are published in the Nov. 21 issue of Science.
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