Games of future past

Games of future past

In ‘Retro Game Design,’ Ian Bogost, the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor and director of film and media studies in Arts & Sciences, introduces students to the history, aesthetics and idiosyncratic technology of the iconic Atari 2600 gaming console.
Model AV testing

Model AV testing

Two Washington University faculty members and their research teams build the “WashU Mini-City” — a novel and low-cost physical environment — to study autonomous vehicles and, ultimately, to improve their reliability and safety.
Singamaneni to develop advanced protein imaging method

Singamaneni to develop advanced protein imaging method

With a $450,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, Srikanth Singamaneni at the McKelvey School of Engineering will develop a method that combines a bright fluorescent nanoparticle with expansion microscopy to image secreted proteins with high sensitivity, precision and accuracy.
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