Research highlights gender bias persistence over centuries

Research highlights gender bias persistence over centuries

Using dental records of more than 10,000 people from 139 archaeology sites throughout Europe, political scientists in Arts & Sciences found that individuals who live in areas that historically favored men over women display more pro-male bias today than those who live in places where gender relations were more egalitarian centuries ago.
They Knew

They Knew

How a Culture of Conspiracy Keeps America Complacent

Sarah Kendzior, who earned her PhD in anthropology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in 2012, has written a book that examines why people are turning more and more to conspiracy theories at the very time when facts are needed most.
Why a ‘red wave’ is not guaranteed

Why a ‘red wave’ is not guaranteed

Steve Smith, a leading congressional politics scholar, discusses the factors making 2022 midterms difficult to predict, what’s ahead for the second half of President Joe Biden’s term and the impact the midterm election could have on the GOP’s future.
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