Ten Commandments display probably not legal

Ten Commandments display probably not legal

Louisiana’s recent legislation requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom is likely unconstitutional under the current framework of the Establishment Clause, said an expert on law and religion at Washington University in St. Louis.

Tokarz honored by AALS

Karen Tokarz, the Charles Nagel Professor of Public Interest Law & Policy, received the William Pincus Award from the Association of American Law Schools during the organization’s conference on clinical legal education May 3.
School of Law honors six alumni

School of Law honors six alumni

The Washington University School of Law in St. Louis recognized six alumni who have achieved success in their respective fields during its Distinguished Alumni Awards dinner, held April 8 at Anheuser-Busch Hall.
Class Acts: Austin Schorfheide

Class Acts: Austin Schorfheide

Some of Austin Schorfheide’s happiest memories are working the family farm in Hoyleton, Ill. — bailing hay, milking the cows, planting corn and soybeans. So while Schorfheide knew he did not want to be a farmer himself, he does want to make life better for farming communities.
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