What came next

What came next

Women earned the right to vote, but what kind of impact did they have? Political scientists and Arts & Sciences alumni Christina Wolbrecht and J. Kevin Corder analyze 100 years of election history
Zeroing out their own zap

Zeroing out their own zap

African fish called mormyrids communicate using pulses of electricity. New research from biologists in Arts & Sciences shows that a time-shifted signal in the brain helps the fish to ignore their own pulse. This skill has co-evolved with large and rapid changes in these signals across species.
Storing energy in red bricks

Storing energy in red bricks

Red bricks — some of the world’s cheapest and most familiar building materials — can be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity, like a battery, according to new research from chemists in Arts & Sciences.
War, reporting and the Tower of Babel

War, reporting and the Tower of Babel

Richard Chapman, executive producer of “Dateline-Saigon,” discusses the documentary, the dangers journalists faced during the early years of the Vietnam War, and lessons for contemporary reporters and readers.
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