‘Compton effect’
Arthur Holly Compton, WashU’s ninth chancellor, conducted X-ray scattering experiments in 1922 that demonstrated the particle nature of electromagnetic radiation. At the time, the idea that light had both wave and particle properties was not easily accepted. His discovery stimulated the development of quantum mechanics and was recognized with the Nobel Prize in 1927.
Squirrels and the city
Examining the influence of urbanization on the evolution of eastern gray squirrel
Field Notes: Researching air pollution in Fairbanks, Alaska
The latest edition of Field Notes travels to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Karolina Cysneiros de Carvalho, a PhD student at the McKelvey School of Engineering, studied how cold and dark conditions impact air pollution.
‘Let It Snow’
Undergraduate vocalists Zoe Levin and Izzy Williams join pianist Kara Mehrmann for an exclusive performance of a holiday classic.
Just the beginning
Jim Brock and Kevin Hammerschmidt began their college careers with the Washington University Prison Education Project. This spring, both were among the first PEP alumni to earn their bachelor’s degrees on the Danforth Campus.
The endless possibilities of poetry
With a storied literary past, Washington University continues to provide time, place and space to stretch as a poet.
Communicating about COVID-19
Matthew Kreuter, the Kahn Family Professor of Public Health at the Brown School, is trying to make sure everyone understands the COVID-19 vaccine.
Beauty and lamentations
In a new solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum of St. Louis, alumna Ebony G. Patterson explores beauty, tragedy and what lies beneath it all.
What’s in a name?
Find out how Washington University got its name, and learn more about its founding, its mission and some of its pivotal leaders over the years.
Julia Lindon: Comedian on the rise
Comedian Julia Lindon writes, hosts a podcast and acts. She also recently created a TV pilot inspired by her own ‘coming-of-age and coming out’ experiences in New York. The show, Lady Liberty, is streaming now.
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