Nothin’ but pawpaws in the pawpaw patch

Nothin’ but pawpaws in the pawpaw patch

Pawpaws are the state fruit tree of Missouri. But the trees tend to choke out woody bushes and flowering plants nearby, exerting a haphazard kind of pressure on would-be neighbors, according to research from WashU.
2024: The year in video

2024: The year in video

WashU videographers captured the discoveries and perspectives of campus newsmakers. Highlights include a trip to Ecuador where one WashU professor is working to halt hidden hunger, one instructor’s reflections on his Hollywood career and a deep dive into the Mississippi River system.
Vagus nerve stimulation relieves severe depression

Vagus nerve stimulation relieves severe depression

People with severe, treatment-resistant depression who received vagus nerve stimulation therapy showed improvement in depressive symptoms, quality of life and ability to complete everyday tasks, according to a national clinical trial led by researchers at WashU Medicine.
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